小丑女恶搞冰雪奇缘: 你想杀了蝙蝠侠吗?
除了“Let it go”外,《冰雪奇缘》中尚有一个唱段令人印象深刻,那即是小安娜在小艾莎门外无邪的唱着“Do you wanna build a snow man(你想堆个雪人吗)”。而《自杀小队》中的小丑女哈利·奎因透露表现也要来尝尝,于是有了这出改编版的“Do you wanna kill the Batman(你想杀了蝙蝠侠吗)”。
Anna(Harley Quinn):
-Do you wanna build a snowman?(Do you wanna kill the batman?)
-Come on lets go and play(Come on lets paint the town)
-I never see you anymore
-Come out the door
-It"s like you"ve gone away-(your smiles become a frown)
-We used to be best buddies(We used to be a duo)
-And now we"re not
-I wish you would tell me why!-
-Do you wanna build a snowman?(Do you wanna kill the batman?)
-It doesn"t have to be a snowman.(It doesn"t have to be the batman)
Go away, Anna(Go away, Harley)
Anna(Harley Quinn):
Okay, bye...
Anna(Harley Quinn):
-Do you wanna build a snowman?(Do you wanna kill the batman?)
-Or ride our bikes around the halls(or we can rob a jewelry store)
-I think some company is overdue
-I"ve started talking to
-the pictures on the walls-(my new best friend next door)
-Hang in there, Joan!(Hi, Ivy!)
-It gets a little lonely
-All these empty rooms,(just waiting around)
-Just watching the hours tick by(I wish you bust me out)
Anna(Harley Quinn):
-Please, I know you"re in there,
-People are asking where you"ve been(your smile is getting kind of long)
-They say "have courage", and I"m trying to(thet say I should live, I didnt want to)
-I"m right out here for you, just let me in(because I love you, but this is wrong)
-We only have each other(I"m moving in with Ivy)
-It"s just you and me(she actually cares)
-What are we gonna do?(I guess this means we"re through)
-Do you wanna build a Snowman?(Do you wanna kill the batman?)
《小丑女恶搞冰雪奇缘: 你想杀了蝙蝠侠吗?》由: 本文来源于:动画片排行榜 www.donghua5.com 相关动漫:
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